4.2.6 Get Report List

Method to return the reports available for a specific order. The list can be used to let the user choose from a list which reports to get. Each checklist report is returned with the unique ID for the checklist. This id can be used as a parameter to URL_Checklist method to view/print one specific checklist.

Input parameter is either backoffice ordernumber or Handyman ordernumber.

Function definition:

Public Function GetReportList( Optional lOrderId As Long = 0, Optional sOrderId As String = "") As String

The following XML structure is returned:

  <Name>Order summary</Name> 
  <Name>Hours summary</Name>
  <Name>Sjekkliste rutine</Name> 

Boligmappa nodes will only exists if a BoligmappaID exists (<>0)

Possible values for report type: 

Checked will be 1 for type 2 if the order is finished.
Checked will be 1 for type 1 if the checklist is finished.
Saved will be 1 for type 1,2 and 12 if a saved report exisist in Handyman